Parenting Support
UPDATE on how we will be providing infant and early childhood services moving forward!
Please read thoroughly!
All babies come into this world with a rich emotional life, ready to form and contribute to relationships, especially with their parents and caregivers. Contrary to popular belief, babies’ brains are not a blank slate. These tiny humans are born ready to engage in meaningful connections with the adults in their world! The earlier we can recognize, support and address problems in the child, the better able we are to optimize each child’s unique potential and their mental health! Moving forward we will support and address children’s difficulties with and THROUGH their caregivers!
Over the past decade, within our work with young children we have noticed that parent-only sessions create much quicker, and longer-lasting changes in the children we’ve worked with. We have learned that PARENTS are the agent of change. It is within the positive changes that the PARENTS make that benefit their young children’s mental health and behavior.
Therefore, moving forward we will work with YOU – the caregiver – to support and create positive changes within your child and within your relationship with your child.
What will this look like?​
We will assess the caregiver, meet with the caregiver, and provide therapy to the caregiver. Within the therapy we will guide the caregiver in learning ways to support their child. We will guide the caregiver in reparenting themselves, which is a term for identifying the parenting practices we learned in our own childhoods that we do not want to repeat with our own children. We will give the caregiver actionable strategies for supporting children who exhibit behavior difficulties, regulation struggles, and others, including behaviors as a result of trauma, how to talk to children about difficult topics, how to support children with sleep difficulties, separation anxiety, sadness, etc. We will support parents in learning tools for getting through those extremely difficult parenting moments, including tantrums, whining, screaming, talking back, rudeness, and other behaviors that trigger us in the moment. We can even include your child for practice! We will explore all things parenting, and more!
The relationship between the parent and the child is the catalyst for promoting mental health in young children. Through therapy with the parent we will create positive change in the child.
Please reach out with questions!